Payday Loan Lender Online Comparison Before Getting A Loan

Online payday loan lenders offer unsecured short-term loans where the borrower isn’t expected to provide collateral for the loan. For this reason, payday loans are considered risky on the lender’s part which makes interest rates and fees on these loans typically high. Although some consumers choose to stay away from this type of borrowing option, others don’t hesitate because they know they can get a payday loan fast and without a credit check.

Unfortunately, there are just some circumstances in life that leave people with no choice but to go ahead with getting an unsecured loan. This is especially true when there are expenses that that are not part of the monthly budget. These expenses could come in the form of emergency vehicle repairs, unexpected hospitalizations, urgent repairs in the house and even unexpected visits from family or friends.

Just as in any decision you make in life, taking out an online payday loan requires some thought. Borrowers should make sure to compare the offers of lenders before getting online payday loans so that they will make informed decision as to which lender can give them the best offer. The reason for this is that payday loan lenders online offer different products and have different interest rates as well as repayment plans.

A lot of payday loan borrowers no longer care about the annual percentage rate of interest (APR) charged by their online payday loan lenders. The reason for this is that payday loans are only for a short duration of time, mostly to be repaid within a one-month period. However, knowing the APR for the loan you are getting is significant so that you will know whether you are getting the best deal from your lender. You see, the APR allows you to see the true cost of the loan you are getting compared to other options you have available.

For instance, if you need $300 for an emergency repair in your home’s sewage system you can consider two options: first, you can take a credit card cash advance with an 18% interest rate and second, you can take a payday loan cash advance for a two-week period with a 15% interest rate. At first glance, it would seem that the payday loan is the better option because the interest rate is lower. However, you have to remember that the loan is only for a 2-week period. In reality, a two-week period with a rate of 15% actually has an APR of 390% (that is 15% multiplied by 26 2-week periods in a year).

Don’t be fooled by the “low interest rates” advertised by online payday loan lenders the next time you find yourself in immediate need of cash. The US Federal Reserve Board require all lenders, including payday loan lenders, to disclose their APRs so take advantage of this regulation and demand for its disclosure at all times because this requirement was placed there by the Board to protect you as a consumer.
