Money problems seem to loom around every corner these days. With them, come stress and worry as folks wonder how they are going to manage their money problems. This article is a list of solutions that can help you discover new ways to find cash when you need it most.
At we want to help you get the funds you need when you need it. Residents of New Hampshire are able to seek payday loans within their state, however, we would like to offer these payday loan / cash advance alternatives to you.
Payroll Check Advance:
Sometimes employers will either pay you ahead of time, or pay you a portion of your payroll check as an advance. Not all employers are willing to issue payroll advances, and asking can sometimes cause problems with the relationship you have with your employer. On the other hand, this is a good alternative if the option is available because these loans are interest free. The downside is that your next check is going to be smaller, than it would be without the advance. While this option is available, it may not solve your personal finance problems.
Credit Cards and Financial Institutional Loans:
If you have unused credit on your credit cards, then you may be able to use that to help out during cash flow problems. If you have good credit, you might consider applying for additional credit on existing credit cards, or even applying for a new credit card, though that process can take weeks. If you have a good relationship with your bank, you can apply for either an unsecured bank loan or loan against collateral.
Car Title Loan:
If your car is paid for, then you might consider a title loan, which is a loan that holds your car as collateral. These types of payday loan / cash advance alternatives carry the risk of losing your vehicle if you cannot repay the loan. These loans are available in many states and they are quick, which means you can often have cash the same day you apply.
Pawn Shop:
Payday loan / cash advance alternatives might include using the services offered by pawn shops. If you simply want a short term loan that you plan on repaying, use a pawn shop and place your valuables as collateral in exchange for cash. If you simply wish to sell some of your valuable possessions fast, than consider selling online at places like eBay and Craig’s List. You will likely receive more cash online than you will using a pawn shop, but both have their positive and negative benefits.